Sensation Comics #50
Title: "The Man of Gold"
Pages: 7
Black Pirate (of Earth-1)
Artist: Alfonso Greene
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Snyles and Boppo (an English lord and his native servant; no further appearances)
- Snyles' followers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- An Inca tribe and chieftain (no further appearances)
- The King of England (no further appearances)
The Black Pirate joins an expedition to the new world in the service of the King of England. The expedition leader Lord Snyles plans to rob the Incas of their priceless "Man of Gold" statue. When the Black Pirate tries to stop the theft, he is captured along with the Inca king.
While his son is held captive, Black Pirate is sent as a messenger to demand the statue be turned over to Snyles. He conspires with the Incas to trick the English lord, and successfully rescues the Inca chief and his son. Snyles is returned to England in chains aboard a vessel containing treasure that was fairly won through trading.
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