Sensation Comics #41
Title: "King of All-Fools' Day"
Pages: 7
Black Pirate (of Earth-1)
Artist: Alfonso Greene
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A phony jester and his partners (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- A court jester (no further appearances)
- The King and Queen of England (no further appearances)
During a carnival, a group of crooks replace the court jester with their own man. The Black Pirate chases off the crooks, but doesn't notice that the jester has been replaced. The phony fool steals the queen's necklace, then the real jester is blamed. The Black Pirate and his son expose the crooked scheme and clear the jester's name. After the necklace is recovered the queen admits that it was a fake anyway.
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