Star Spangled Comics #4
Star Spangled Comics #4
Cover Credits
Artist: Harold Sherman

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Title: (The Blade)
Pages: 8

Tarantula (of Earth-2)

Artist: Harold Wilson Sharp

Feature Character(s)


  • The Blade and his gang (Butch and Muggsy named; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • President Gomez and Paula Gomez (the leader of Torono and his daughter; no further appearances)

A crime boss known as the Blade attempts to kidnap President Gomez, the leader of Torono. The Tarantula happens to be in attendance when the kidnapping occurs and is able to rescue Gomez. However, the Blade then decides to kidnap Paula, Gomez's daughter.

To track down the Blade, the Tarantula breaks one of his men out of jail. The Tarantula then follows the crook back to his boss. Tarantula then rescues Paula and apprehends the Blade.

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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics