Detective Comics #266
Detective Comics #266
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Stan Kaye

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Title: "The Satellite of Gotham City"
Pages: 12

Batman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Bill Finger
Penciller: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: Charles Paris

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Astro and his gang (no further appearances)

Criminal inventor, Astro, has created a satellite which is mistaken for a flying saucer. The satellite helps his criminal gang committ robberies. Batman and Robin attempt to stop the satellite with the whirly-bats, but the satellite evades them. Batman then attacks the satellite from above, lands on it, and rides it back to the crooks' hide-out. He is then able to signal Robin and the police, who converge on Astro and round up the gang.

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