Cover Credits |
Penciller: Curt Swan Inker: George Klein |
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Comic Title: Showcase Presents Legion of Super-Heroes Vol. 2 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2008
On Sale Date:
April 16, 2008 Direct Market Date April 9, 2008
Source: Previews, #232
Direct Market Date April 16, 2008
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Cover Price: $16.99
Page Count: 528
Editor: Bob Joy
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "The Legionnaire Who Killed"
Pages: 16
Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-1)
Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Sheldon Moldoff
Inker: George Klein
Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #342 (1966)
Feature Character(s)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Cosmic Boy (appears in flashback and behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Saturn Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Lightning Lad (behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Superboy (last appearance in Superboy #127; next appearance in Superboy #128)
- Supergirl (behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Action Comics #336; next appearance in Action Comics #337)
- Chameleon Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Colossal Boy (appears in flashback and behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #346)
- Invisible Kid (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Star Boy (expelled from the Legion in this story; last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Duo Damsel (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Phantom Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #346)
- Brainiac 5 (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Shrinking Violet (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Sun Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Mon-El (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #345)
- Ultra Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #345)
- Element Lad (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Lightning Lass (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Matter-Eater Lad (appears in flashback and behind-the-scenes; last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
Supporting Character(s)
- Legion of Substitute Heroes (last appearance in Adventure Comics #331; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Polar Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #331; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Fire Lad (last appearance in Adventure Comics #331; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Night Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Stone Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #331; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Chlorophyll Kid (last appearance in Adventure Comics #337; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Dream Girl (joins the Legion of Substitute Heroes in this story; last appearance in Adventure Comics #317; next appearance in Adventure Comics #350)
- Color Kid (Ulu Vakk; first appearance; next appearance in Adventure Comics #351)
- Proty II (last appearance in Adventure Comics #341; next appearance in Adventure Comics #343)
- Kenz Nuhor (dies in this story; no further appearances)
- An unnamed alien savage, a Saturnian Stone-Dragon, a band of space-pirates, a band of alien savages, a Jovian mastodon, an unnamed alien humanoid, and a robot assassin (all appear in flashback; no further appearances)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Jimmy Olsen (behind-the-scenes; last appearance in World's Finest Comics #156; next appearance in Superman #185)
Other Character(s)
- Calamity King (a rejected Legion applicant; first appearance; last appearance in Adventure Comics #343; no further appearances)
- Jan Barth (an explorer; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- A Saturnian Scorpion Beast and two unnamed zookeepers (no further appearances)
Part 2: "The Verdict of the Legion"
Star Boy travels to the lonely, primitive world of Karak to see his astronomer parents off to their homeworld safely. Upon his arrival, he learns that his parents have already left, letting an explorer, Jan Barth, use their abandoned observatory.
Another ship arrives, and its pilot fires a ray gun at Jan Barth, killing him. Star Boy uses his power on the man, but his shield reflects it back on Star Boy, making him super-heavy. His assailant then identifies himself as Kenz Nuhor of Naltor, Dream Girl's home planet. He loves Dream Girl, but she won't marry him because she loves Star Boy, so Nuhor vowed to track down Star Boy and kill him. As Dream Girl herself arrives, distracting Nuhor, Star Boy manages to grab Jan Barth's gun and kills Nuhor in self-defense. Dream Girl sees it all, and her testimony later clears Star Boy with the Science Police.
When he arrives back at the Legion Clubhouse, however, he finds that his comrades have decided to put him on trial because he has broken the Legion code against killing. As leader, Brainiac 5 acts as prosecutor, and appoints Saturn Girl judge, while Superboy volunteers to be Star Boy's defense attorney because he feels the others, who are not invulnerable like himself, should have the right to kill in self-defense.
As the trial begins, Brainiac 5 demonstrates that Star Boy could have saved himself by using his power to cause a tree branch above Nuhor to fall, pinning his enemy to the ground without killing him. Eager to find a defense, Superboy tries one strategem after another, but to no avail. After final arguments are made, the Legion votes, and the tally is ten to nine for conviction.
Star Boy is expelled, but as he leaves the Clubhouse he is greeted by Dream Girl and her new comrades in the Legion of Substitute Heroes. They invite him to join their team and he accepts.
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