Detective Comics #159
Title: "The Strongest Scoundrel on Earth"
Pages: 6
Robotman (of Earth-2)
Artist: Frank W. Bolle
Feature Character(s)
- A circus thin man, his gang, and Mekko (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Herko and Rita (sideshow performers; no further appearances)
Paul Dennis visits a circus sideshow where he meets Herko the strongman who is capable of lifting his robot body. When a crime occurs that involves a large weight, Herko is suspected. Robotman investigates and finds further evidence to implicate Herko. However, he also discovers that the strongman feats were actually done by a robot. Robotman soon finds the circus thin man controlling a robot and using it to frame Herko. Robotman captures them which clears the strongman of wrongdoing.
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