Detective Comics #155
Title: "The Ranger from Red Deer Valley"
Pages: 10
Pow-Wow Smith (of Earth-1)
Writer: Don Cameron
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- El Rio Lobo and his gang (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Bob Murphy and several unnamed rangers (no further appearances)
After leading a great hunt, Pow-Wow Smith is infomed that his childhood friend Grey Badger has been killed by an outlaw. Pow-Wow leaves his tribe and visits the Texas Rangers, who are tracking the outlaw.
Pow-Wow leads rookie ranger Bob Murphy after El Rio Lobo and his bandits. Murphy is reckless, and his actions cause the bandits to spot the lawmen. Murphy is pushed off a cliff, while Pow-Wow is captured. Lobo attempts to kill Pow-Wow, but he is defeated in single combat. He then orders his gang to kill the indian, but at that moment the other Texas Rangers arrive. Murphy, though injured, was able to summon help, and the bandit gang is arrested.
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