Showcase Presents:Martian Manhunter Vol. 1 TPB
Title: "World-Wide Manhunt"
Pages: 6
Martian Manhunter (of Earth-1)
Artist: Joe Certa
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #255 (1958)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Horace Stone and his hired men (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- John Blake, Roger Drews, Ben Troy, and Larry Hart (a suspected murderer, a skin diver, a hunter, and a mountain climber; no further appearances)
John Blake is accused of killing his business partner. Blake claims to have an alibi, but he cannot remember who he was with at the time of the murder. John Jones tracks down three possible witnesses that could have been with Blake. Horace Stone, another business partner and the real killer, sends men to kill the witnesses. Jones successfully tracks down each witness and protects him. The third witness corroborates Blake's story, pinning Stone for the crime.
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