Golden Age Doctor Fate Archives Vol. 1 HC
Golden Age Doctor Fate Archives Vol. 1 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Howard Sherman

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Title: (The Wax Museum Killers)
Pages: 10

Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson of Earth-2)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Howard Sherman

Reprinted From:
More Fun Comics #78 (1942)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Trigger, Lefty, the Duke, and their unnamed boss (the Wax Museum Killers; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Sam Winslow (caretaker of the Carter Waxworks Museum; no further appearances)
  • A police commissioner and his men (no further appearances)

Four crooks break into a wax museum and take the places of four of the statues. The next morning during a tour, the statues come to life. The crooks then raid the city. They are using the costumes to protect their real identities as known criminals.

Doctor Fate encounters the crooks at a costume party. One of them tries to strangle Fate with a lasso. Inza helps him break loose, but she is then taken hostage by the crooks.

Using a magic crystal, Doctor Fate tracks down Inza. The crooks traps him in an airless glass dome. He manages to escape by jamming the machine which is sucking out the air. Once free, he concocts a plan with the local police commissioner to stop the crooks. The commissioner and his men dress as historical heroes to help Fate in finally defeating the Wax Museum Killers.

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