Adventure Comics #54
Title: (The Kidnapping of a Minute-Man)
Pages: 9
Hourman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Bernard Baily
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Ricky Maffiri and his henchmen (Joe named; kidnappers; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Rodney Morvan and his parents (no further appearances)
- Several government agents (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
The parents of Rodney Morvan force him to resign from the Minute Men of America. A short time later Rodney is kidnapped. Jimmy Martin calls Hourman for help. He tries to talk to Mr. Morvan, who refuses to pay Rodney's ransom, but the banker will not listen to reason.
Hourman and the Minute Men help track down the crooks, who kidnap Mr. Morvan after he didn't pay the ransom. Hourman finds Rodney, but the crooks surprise him and take him prisoner.
Using his radio, Hourman contacts Jimmy and gets him to bring a supply of Miraclo. Hourman frees himself and the Morvans, then he and the Minute Men capture the crooks. After seeing Hourman and the Minute Men in action, Mr. Morvan allows Rodney to rejoin the club.
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