Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 3 TPB
Superman:The Man of Steel Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Jerry Ordway

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Title: "All Wars Must End"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)
Hawkman (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Penciller: John L. Byrne
Inker: Dick Giordano
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Michele Wolfman

Reprinted From:
Action Comics #588 (1987)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


This story is continued from Hawkman #10. Hawkman's story continues in Hawkman #11 while Superman's story continues in Action Comics #589.

Superman receives a signal which leads him to Midway City. He meets Hawkman who has just defeated Deron Ved. Hawkman informs the Man of Steel that a Thanagaran invasion force is threatening Earth. Superman joins Hawkman and Hawkwoman on a trip to the moon to stop the space fleet.

When the fleet is located Superman exits the ship to disable to enemy attack vessels. Hawkman pilots his ship to avoid enemy fire. He then plans to execute Operation Overlord which will trigger the hyperdrives of the enemy ships and divert them from Earth. However, Hawkman discovers that Overlord must be triggered manually. Despite the obstacle, his plan succeeds and the enemy fleet is dispersed. However, his own ship is left on a collision course with the sun and Superman is nowhere to be found.

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