All-American Comics #14

Title: (No Title)
Pages: 4
Writer/Artist: Sheldon Mayer
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Employees at a dude ranch (Smokey named; next appearance in All-American Comics #15)
- A female dude ranch guest (no further appearances)
This story features single panel gag entitled "Why Big Brudders Leave Home".
This story continues in All-American Comics #15.
Scribbly's boss sends him to a dude ranch to gather information for a series of articles. Scribbly claims to have been on a horse before, so the editor touts him as a expert. Scribbly doesn't mention that the horse he rode was a pony at age 2.
The dude ranch employees are sent to the train station to meet Scribbly. They want to make an impression, so they ride horses and shoot their guns. The horse spook at the gunshots and run off, forcing them to hitch-hike back to the ranch.
Next Scribbly is asked to show another guest how to mount a horse. He succeeds in getting into the saddle, but he is facing the wrong direction. When the horse takes off, Scribbly is barely able to stay on. The manager of the ranch sees Scribbly's backwards ride and thinks it was intentional. He then asks Scribbly to represent the ranch in an upcoming rodeo.
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