Steel, the Indestructible Man #3
Title: "When Hammer Meets Steel"
Pages: 10
Steel (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gerry Conway
Penciller: Don Heck
Inker: Joe Giella
Letterer: Ben Oda
Colorist: Robert K. LeRose
Feature Character(s)
- Sledgehammer (Emil Sledgeski; a crime boss; no further appearances)
- Sledgehammer's men (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
Steel is summoned to protect newspaperman Edward Runyon from a gang boss known as Sledgehammer. Runyon and Sledgehammer had been friends as children, but Sledgehammer killed a man, causing him to turn criminal. Steel captured Sledgehammer and learns that the crook wanted to kill Runyon because Runyon had betrayed him to the police years ago.
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