Swamp Thing #56

Title: "My Blue Heaven"
Pages: 22
Swamp Thing (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Alan Moore
Penciller: Rick Veitch
Inker: Alfredo P. Alcala
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Tatjana Wood
Reprinted In:
Swamp Thing:Earth to Earth TPB (2002)
Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 5 HC (2011)
Saga of the Swamp Thing Vol. 5 TPB (2014)
Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore Vol. 3 HC (2022)
Feature Character(s)
Cameo Appearance(s)
This issue is the first appearance of the post-Crisis Swamp Thing. Though his adventures appear to be a direct continuation from previous issues, the post-Crisis Swamp Thing is considered to be entirely independent from his Earth-1 counterpart.
Having fled the Earth, Swamp Thing finds himself on a blue planet devoid of intelligent life. After spending weeks exploring the blue world and manipulating its plant life, Swamp Thing grows lonely. He constructs lifelike representations of Abby and the town of Houma from plants. Though the illusion comforts him, he still knows that it is not the same. When he is confronted by a plant version of John Constantine, Swamp Thing can no longer deny the truth. He then destroys his plant people and allows the town to decay. He then decides to risk jumping into the void again in an attempt to get home.
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