All-American Comics #8
All-American Comics #8
Cover Credits
Artist: Jon L. Blummer

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Title: (A Very Funny Cartoon)
Pages: 4


Writer/Artist: Sheldon Mayer

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Miss Loomis (Scribbly's teacher; next appearance in All-American Comics #9)
  • O.P. Jenkins (a school principal; next appearance in All-American Comics #9)
  • Shorty (a copy boy; no further appearances)
  • Miss Lacey (Scribbly's former teacher; no further appearances)
  • Scribbly's classmates (Wally Calahan, Marjorie Clancy, Montgomery Ginsberg, and William named; no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

This story features topper strips entitled "Why Big Brudders Leave Home".

This story takes place on September 5, 1939 and continues in All-American Comics #9.

Scribbly begins a new school year with his teacher Miss Loomis. The principal has written a letter to the teacher to excuse Scribbly's tardiness due to his newspaper job. The teacher refuses to accept it, so Scribbly draws an unflattering cartoon of her on the blackboard. The teacher scolds Scribbly and forbids him from drawing her picture at school. Scribbly then draws another picture of her in the newspaper. The teacher is furious and wants Scribbly suspended, but the principal is amused and even asks Scribbly for drawing tips.

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