Warlord #18
Warlord #18
Cover Credits
Artist: Mike Grell

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Title: "Blood Moon"
Pages: 17

Warlord (of Earth-1)

Writer/Penciller: Mike Grell
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:Warlord Vol. 1 TPB (2009)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Bornaa (no further appearances)
  • Survivors from the planet Alces Shirasi (no further appearances)
  • A dinosaur (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

"The Quest Part III"

Warlord and Tara are attacked by a dinosaur. The creature chases them into a ravine, but it will not follow. As Morgan notices that nothing is growing in the ravine, a giant blood red sphere marked by craters approaches them. Men riding flying sleds emerge from the sphere and capture the travelers. The prisoners are then taken inside the blood moon.

Travis Morgan and Tara are brought before Bornaa, who explains that the sphere is actually a spaceship from an extinct planet Alces Shirasi. His people have been conducting genetic experiments on humans which will allow his race to propagate and take over Skartaris. When the Warlord resists, Bornaa has him genetically transformed into a man-bull.

To save her lover, Tara pretends to comply with the alien's demands. She then takes his weapon and kills him. She then orders the alien running the experiment to restore Morgan to normal. Warlord and Tara then make their escape. During the pursuit a stray shot strikes the reactor inside the spherical spaceship causing it to explode.

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