Action Comics #28

Title: (The Gringo Gang)
Pages: 11
Zatara (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Fred B. Guardineer
Feature Character(s)
- The Gringo Gang (train robbers; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Eldon Carmer (first name also given as Hank; no further appearances)
- Jane (Carmer's niece; no further appearances)
- Chief of the Kansas City Police Department (no further appearances)
- A bank manager (no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
Zatara takes a crosscountry train ride. A gang of bandits rob the train and take one of the passengers hostage. Zatara rescues the man and brings him to Kansas City. He learns that the Gringo Gang are responsible for the robbery and saves the chief of police.
When the crooks realize Zatara is responsible for saving the police chief and their kidnapped train passenger, they plan to kill him. They find out where he is staying and set a bomb to destroy the building. Zatara stops the crooks from blowing the building and stops a bank robbery. He then forces the gang members to sign confessions and turn themselves in to the police.
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