Detective Comics #27 [Convention Exclusive]
![Detective Comics #27 [Convention Exclusive] Detective Comics #27 [Convention Exclusive]](/gallery/!dc/!promo/detective27vard.jpg)
Title: (The Murderer on Vacation)
Pages: 9
Slam Bradley (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Joe Shuster
Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #27 (1939)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Blackjack Benson and Nicky (his henchman; both die in this story; no further appearances)
- Helger Wetjen (a ski instructor and brother of Blackjack; no further appearances)
- Gale Dennis (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Dick Kelly (an FBI agent; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- An unnamed police chief and Heine (a bell boy; no further appearances)
This story was not originally titled.
Slam Bradley and Shorty are run off the road by Blackjack Benson, a notorious felon. Slam stops the crook and rescues FBI man, Dick Kelly. Benson is arrested but later breaks jail pursued by Kelly.
When Kelly fails to return, Slam goes in search of his new friend. They track him to Switzerland where they find Benson hiding with his brother Helger. The crooks try to kill Slam and Shorty as they have already done with Kelly, but Slam escapes and arrests Benson. Blackjack Benson is then sent to the electric chair.
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