Golden Age Green Lantern Archives Vol. 1 HC

Title: (The Sign of the Green Lantern)
Pages: 8
Green Lantern (Alan Scott of Earth-2)
Writer: Bill Finger
Artist: Mart Nodell
Reprinted From:
All-American Comics #17 (1940)
Feature Character(s)
- Cyrus Gorson (Metropolis Commissioner of Public Works; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- Muller and his men (racketeers; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- John Hall (Alan Scott’s employer; no further appearances)
Green Lantern operates in the city of Metropolis in this story.
This story was not originally titled.
Cyrus Gorson, the Commissioner of Public Works, is grafting on city works projects by giving contracts to his secret partner, Muller Contractors. Alan Scott, who works for a rival construction company, is outraged. He confronts both Gorson and Muller, but is later shot by Muller’s goons. Fortunately, Scott’s power ring protects him from injury. He then confronts the racketeers as Green Lantern, eventually getting Gorson to confess. Muller shoots and kills his partner, and Green Lantern turns over Muller to the police.
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