Jonah Hex #10
Jonah Hex #10
Cover Credits
Artist: Gray Morrow

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Title: "Violence at Veracruz"
Pages: 17

Jonah Hex (of Earth-1)

Writer: Michael L. Fleisher
Artist: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Letterer: Clem Robins
Colorist: Robert K. LeRose

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Jonah Hex Vol. 2 TPB (2014)

Feature Character(s)


  • El Papagayo (dies in this story; last appearance in Jonah Hex #9; no further appearances)
  • El Papagayo's men (Manuelo, Mario, Luis, Pedro, and Sergio named; last appearance in Jonah Hex #9; no further appearances)
  • Estrellita (dies in this story; last appearance in Jonah Hex #9; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Several Mexican soldiers (Lt. Lopez named; some die in this story; no further appearances)
  • General Rumolo (a fort commander; no further appearances)
  • Colonel Sanchez and his men (last appearance in Jonah Hex #9; no further appearances)
  • Porfirio Diaz (President of Mexico; no further appearances)

This story is continued from Jonah Hex #9.

Jonah Hex joins up with a unit from the Mexican army to escort a shipment of gold from Veracruz to Mexico City. Along the way, El Papagayo stages an ambush and kills the soldiers. His men then take the places of the guards and enter the fort at Veracruz with Hex. Once inside their ruse is discovered. Hex is forced to side with Papagayo, but both men are captured.

El Papagayo's female accomplice Estrellita is able to free the captives. They then escape from the fort with a wagon load of gold. During their escape, El Papagayo betrays his men and sends them to their deaths. He also plans to shoot Jonah, but Estrellita guns down the bandit from behind. The bandit is able to return fire and kills the woman. Jonah is the last man standing, but he quickly discovers that the stolen gold is nothing more than painted lead bars. The real gold was moved days earlier by Colonel Sanchez. Hex's mission had been nothing but a decoy.

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