Jonah Hex #3

Title: "The Fugitive"
Pages: 17
Jonah Hex (of Earth-1)
Writer: Michael L. Fleisher
Artist: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
Colorist: Liz Berube
Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Jonah Hex Vol. 2 TPB (2014)
Feature Character(s)
- Matt Henson and his men (Ben, Pete, and Sandy named; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Jacobs (a blind man; no further appearances)
- A posse (no further appearances)
- Faith (Jacobs daughter; no further appearances)
Cameo Appearance(s)
- Mr. Turnbull (in flashback)
- Ned Landon (in flashback)
- Sheriff Baxter and Tiny (in flashback)
- A shopkeeper (in flashback)
Jonah Hex is wanted for three murders in the town of Wyandott, Texas. A bounty is placed on his head which leads to his being chased by a posse. Hex takes refuge in the home of a blind man named Jacobs. The man hates violence and chooses not to turn Jonah in to the sheriff.
When Matt Henson tries to force Jacobs off his land, Jonah defends his benefactor. He then finds a large deposit of turquoise on the land which explains Henson's interest. Henson then sets a trap for Hex, but Jonah is able to fight off the attack. Although wounded, Jonah sets back out on the trail before the sheriff can arrive to arrest him.
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