Green Arrow:80 Years of the Emerald Archer the Deluxe Edition HC
Green Arrow:80 Years of the Emerald Archer the Deluxe Edition HC
Cover Credits
Penciller: Jim Lee
Inker: Scott Williams

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Title: "The Hunters"
Pages: 46

Green Arrow (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Artist: Mike Grell
Letterer: Kenneth Bruzenak
Colorist: Julia Lacquement

Reprinted From:
Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #1 (1987)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Budry (a series killer; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Magnor (not named in this story; next appearance in Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #2)
  • Greg Osborne (a CIA agent; not named in this story; next appearance in Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #2)
  • Members of a street gang (no further appearances)
  • Lerner (an associate of Magnor; not named in this story; dies in this story; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Alice Meyers (a prostitute; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Rita Librado (a drug addict; last name not revealed in this story; next appearance in Green Arrow #7)
  • Gina (an undercover cop; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Wolczek (a grave digger; dies in this story; no further appearances)
  • Two unnamed soldeirs (in flashback; friends of Budry; no further appearances)
  • Howard Hill (a trickshot artist; in flashback; no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

This story continues in Green Arrow:The Longbow Hunters #2.

Green Arrow and Black Canary move to Seattle. They set up the Sherwood Florist flower shop with living space on the floors above it. Ollie reflects on his life and proposes to Dinah. She turns him down and tells him that she does not want to have children. She then gives him a new costume with a hood to handle Seattle's weather.

After a teenage girl crashes through their store window, Dinah begins investigating the cocaine traffic in Seattle. Meanwhile Green Arrow takes to the streets in search of a serial killer who has stabbed more than a dozen women to death. Oliver finds the killer, a former Vietnam tunnel rat.

Oliver chases the killer who attacks a prostitute. The slasher is then shot by an arrow fired from the bow of a masked Japanese woman. The women then shoots another man whom she had been stalking. She has killed several other men across the country and is being called the Robin Hood Killer.

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