All-American Comics #80
All-American Comics #80
Cover Credits
Artist: Paul Reinman

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Title: "Long-Eared Larceny"
Pages: 12

Green Lantern (Alan Scott of Earth-2)

Writer: Alfred Bester
Artist: Paul Reinman

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Blade Zann and his henchmen (thieves; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • John Carval, his wife, and son (no further appearances)
  • Smithers (a gossip hound; no further appearances)

Word gets around that John Carval has acquired a stamp worth ten thousand dollars. Crime leader Blade Zann decides to steal the stamp and finds Doiby Dickles babysitting Carval’s son. When Zann hears Dickles reading the boy fairytales, he dresses his men as rabbits to convince Doiby that he is dreaming.

Zann steals the stamps and is pursued by Green Lantern. Doiby still thinks he is dreaming and places himself in danger. The Emerald Crusader finally convinces his friend it is real and captures Zann. The stamps turn out to be ordinary, a false rumor had exaggerated their value.

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