Anthro #4
Anthro #4
Cover Credits
Artist: Howie Post

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Title: "The Prophecy"
Pages: 24

Anthro (of Earth-1)

Writer/Artist: Howie Post

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Queen Flamma and Omal (leader of a city and her minister; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • A tribe of civilized men (residents of the city of flame; last appearance in Anthro #3; no further appearances)
  • Clavo, Rada, and a group of resistors (no further appearances)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Embra (in Anthro's thoughts)

This story is continued in part from Anthro #3 and continues in part in Anthro #5.

Anthro and his family are welcomed into a tropical city heated by hot springs. The people of the city believe Lart is a child of prophecy and make him their king. Queen Flamma, the former leader of the matriarchy prior to Lart's arrival, tries to seduce Anthro as a means of controlling the boy king. When Anthro resists her, Flamma's minister Omal tricks Lart into signing his brother's death warrant. When quake's strike the city, Flamma tries to sacrifice Lart to her goddess. Anthro rescues his brother, and the family escapes the city using a raft.

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