Marvel Masterworks:Ant-Man/Giant-Man Vol. 1 TPB
Title: "Prisoner of the Slave World"
Pages: 10
Ant Man/Giant Man
Plotter: Stan Lee
Scripter: Larry D. Lieber
Artist: Don Heck
Letterer: Artie Simek
Reprinted From:
Tales to Astonish #41 (1963)
Feature Character(s)
- Kulla (an alien warlord; dies in this story; no further appearances)
- A window washer (no further appearances)
- Kulla's followers (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Several kidnapped scientists (Paul, Ben, and Carter named; no further appearances)
A window washer paralyzes Henry Pym with an alien liquid, then absconds with him to another dimension. Pym is one of several captured scientists forced to build a death ray by Kulla, an alien warlord. Pym isolates himself from the others, then becomes Ant-Man. Using his cybernetic helmet, Ant-Man and the insects of the alien dimension defeat Kulla and rescue the scientists.
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