DC's Greatest Detective Stories Ever Told TPB
Title: "The Origin of Detective Chimp"
Pages: 9
Plotter: Andrew Helfer
Scripter: Rusty Wells
Artist: Mark Badger
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Robbie Busch
Reprinted From:
Secret Origins #40 (1989)
Feature Character(s)
- Randolpoh (Gus's assistant; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Y-Nad and K-Ram (aliens; no further appearances)
- Gus (an anthropologist; no further appearances)
Two microscopic alien beings land on Earth to perform an experiment. They alter the brain of a chimpanzee, giving it added intelligence. The chimp is discovered by two anthropologists who are on an expedition. They expedition has been a failure to this point because the lead scientist's assistant has been secretly killing the natives. The chimp uncovers the murderer and points this out to the professor. He then helps to knock out the perpetrator. The professor decides to bring the amazing monkey back home.
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