All-Star Comics #8
All-Star Comics #8
Cover Credits
Artist: Everett E. Hibbard

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Title: (Introducing Wonder Woman)
Pages: 9

Wonder Woman (of Earth-2)

Writer: William Moulton Marston
Artist: Harry G. Peter

Reprinted In:
Wonder Woman #196 (1971)
Wonder Woman HC (1972)
Wonder Woman SC (1972)
All Star Comics Archives Vol. 2 HC (1993)
Wonder Woman Archives Vol. 1 HC (1998)
Millennium Edition:All-Star Comics 8 (#59) (2001)
All-Star Comics (DC Direct Wonder Woman) #8 (2004)
Wonder Woman Chronicles Vol. 1 TPB (2010)
Wonder Woman:A Celebration of 75 Years HC (2016)
Wonder Woman:The Golden Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2016)
Wonder Woman:The Golden Age Vol. 1 TPB (2018)
Wonder Woman:Steve Trevor TPB (2020)
Wonder Woman #750:The Deluxe Edition HC (2020)
Wonder Woman:80 Years of the Amazon Warrior the Deluxe Edition HC (2021)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Von Storm and Fritz (leaders of a spy ring; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

The origin of the Amazons and Wonder Woman is told in this story.

This story introduces the Magic Sphere, a magical time-forecasting device.

This story originally was not titled; the title shown here was given on the contents page of Wonder Woman Archives Vol. 1 in which this story is reprinted. .

This story continues in the first story of Sensation Comics #1.

U.S. Army Intelligence Captain Steve Trevor is forced to crash land on a magical island known as Paradise Island, home of the Amazons. His unconscious body is found by the Princess Diana and Mala and brought to the hospital for recovery. Queen Hippolyte agrees to help him recover, but forbids her daughter Diana from contact with the man because she has fallen in love with him.

Hippolyte speaks to Aphrodite and Athena for advice on helping the man. They tell her that she must send the best Amazon to America with the man to help further the cause of freedom. A tournament is held to determine the Amazon who will accompany Trevor. Diana, forbidden to enter the tournament by her mother, enters in disguise and is victorious. She is rewarded with a costume and then entrusted with the mission of returning Steve Trevor to America.

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