World's Funnest TPB
World's Funnest TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Brian J. Bolland

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Title: "The Name Game"
Pages: 22

Superman (Post-Crisis)

Writer/Penciller: John L. Byrne
Inker: Karl Kesel
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Thomas J. Ziuko

Reprinted From:
Superman #11 (1987)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • A restaurant patron and a department store manager (no further appearances)
  • Mikey and his mother (no further appearances)
  • A department store mannequin (no further appearances)
  • Mr. Harrigan (the doorman at Clark Kent's building; no further appearances)

This is the first post-Crisis appearance of Mr. Mxyzptlk. Unlike his Earth-1 counterpart, the post-Crisis Mxyzptlk makes up his own rules on each visit to Earth. Although he promises to return to his home dimension if he says his name backwards in this story, there is no certainty that the same rule will apply upon his next visit to Earth.

Lois Lane is approached by the mysterious Ben DeRoy. She breaks a date with Clark Kent to go to lunch with DeRoy. The stranger acts oddly, although Lois appears not to notice. Eventually strange things begins to happy around DeRoy, then he turns Lois into a mannequin while animating a real mannequin.

Superman finally arrives on the scene when a truck begins bucking like a bronco. DeRoy then reveals himself as a being from the 5th dimension. He creates a giant typewriter out of thin air and randomly types a name for himself, Mr. Mxyzptlk. He challenges Superman, promising to return to his home dimension only if the Man of Steel can get him to write or say his name backwards.

Mr. Mxyzptlk then proceeds to bring chaos to Metropolis. He animates the Daily Planet building and has it attack a passing blimp. Superman saves the day. He then uses Mr. Mxyzptlk's own typewriter to trick the imp into writing his name again. However, Superman has inverted the keys, so that Mxyzptlk types his Kltpzyxm. The imp honors his word and leaves Earth. When he does, all the effects of his magical pranks are erased.

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