Flash Comics #30
Title: (The Harbor Haunt)
Pages: 7
King (of Earth-2)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Harry Lampert
Feature Character(s)
This story was not originally titled.
The Witch tips off the King that a crook known as the Harbor Haunt will rob a gambling ship. They board the ship together, but they are separated when the robbery occurs. The King replaces one of the Haunt's men and is taken back to the crooks' hideout. When the crooks try their next robbery, the King traps them and leaves them for the police.
The King then returns to the gambling ship where the man he replaced is still tied up. He releases the man who takes him back to the hideout. The King then surprises the Harbor Haunt and reveals that it is really the Witch in disguise. The King apprehends the rest of the gang, but he lets the Witch go free.
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