Flash Archives Vol. 2 HC
Flash Archives Vol. 2 HC
Cover Credits
Artist: Carmine Infantino

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Title: "The Big Freeze"
Pages: 13

Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted From:
Flash #114 (1960)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Iris West is driven to a meeting of the prison parole board. She is going to give testimony to try an have Len Snart, aka Captain Cold remain in prison. While Iris goes in to testify, Barry Allen becomes the Flash and also testifies. Their statements convince the board to leave Snart in prison.

Unable to escape jail legally, Snart uses a tiny freeze unit to freeze the bars of his cell. The brittle bars break, and Snart escapes. Once outside of jail, Snart resumes his crimes as Captain Cold.

Cold arrives as Iris’ door and professes his love for her. He wants to marry her. Iris is appalled by this and will not submit. The criminal tries to force her to give in by freezing the city.

Flash who was outside the city, when it was frozen breaks through the ice barrier and attempts to stop Captain Cold. After fighting off a serious of attacks, Flash is able to capture Captain Cold and return him to jail. Flash also restores the frozen city to normal.

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