Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 3 TPB
Batman:The Dark Knight Detective Vol. 3 TPB
Cover Credits
Penciller: Denys B. Cowan
Inker: Malcolm Jones III

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Title: "Blind Justice"
Pages: 60

Batman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Sam Hamm
Penciller: Denys B. Cowan
Inker: Dick Giordano
Inker: Frank McLaughlin
Letterer: Todd Klein
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #600 (1989)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Kenneth Harbinger (dies in this story; last appearance in Detective Comics #599; no further appearances)
  • Mitchell Riordan (dies in this story; last appearance in Detective Comics #599; no further appearances)
  • Moraga (one of Riordan's men; no further appearances)
  • Persky (an escaped convict; no further appearances)
  • Several Bonecrusher volunteers (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

Flashback Appearance(s)

Cameo Appearance(s)

  • Joker (pictured in Ducard's thoughts)
  • Riddler (pictured in Ducard's thoughts)

Chapter Five:"Hidden Agendas"
Chapter Six:"Covert Operations"
Chapter Seven:"Ulterior Motives"

This story is continued from Detective Comics #599.

While Bruce Wayne recovers from a near-fatal shooting, Henri Ducard, one of his former mentors comes to Gotham City. Ducard has been hired by Riordan to testify against Bruce at an upcoming trial. Commissioner Gordon is also secretly covering up the fact that Batman has been missing.

Eventually Bruce is sent home. One of his house guests, Roy Kane, discovers the Batcave and Bruce's secret. Roy then volunteers to let the wheelchair bound Bruce control his body using the technology invented by Dr. Harbinger. Thus Batman is able to resume his patrols in Gotham City.

While Batman was away, Ducard deduces that Bruce is Batman. He is not fooled by Roy in the costume. His employer, Riordan, is reunited with Harbinger who now has control of a new body. Harbinger also possesses a power of suggestion that compels others to follow his orders. Only Roy, who is already controlled by Bruce is immune.

Batman, using Roy's body confronts Harbinger who has taken over the body of one of the Bonecrusher subjects. Roy's body is not as athletic as Bruce's and he injures his ankle. Harbinger prepares to kill Roy. Using the mind-control technology, Bruce is able to return control to Roy and take possession of his assailant. Before he can explain the situation to Roy, both are hit by a train and are killed. Bruce blames himself for Roy's death. So does Roy's sister, Jeannie.

Meanwhile Ducard's mission is altered. He kills Riordan who was still under Harbinger's compulsions. Before his death, Riordan provided testimony and evidence to clear Bruce. After completing the kill Ducard leaves Gotham, but not before telling Bruce that he knows his secret.

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