Cover Credits |
Artist: Gil Kane |
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Comic Title: Adventure Comics #499
Publisher: DC
(DC Comics Inc.)
Address: 666 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Cover Date: May 1983
On Sale Date:
February 3, 1983 Newsstand Date February 3, 1983
Source: House Ad, Fury of Firestorm #12, Page 31
Newsstand Date February 3, 1983
Source: Comic Reader, #209
Newsstand Date February 3, 1983
Source: DC Coming Attractions, #75
Newsstand Date February 3, 1983
Source: Comics Journal, #79
Shipping Date January 11, 1983
Source: Comic Reader, #209
Newsstand Date February 3, 1983
Source: Amazing Heroes, #19
Shipping Date January 11, 1983
Source: DC Coming Attractions, #75
Copyright Date January 11, 1983
Source: Library of Congress, Copyright Office 1983
DC publication dates beyond April 1981 listed by the LoC
represent shipping dates NOT newsstand sale dates
Frequency: Monthly
Cover Price: $1.25
Page Count: 96
Editor: Nicola Cuti
See Also: The Guide to DC Giants
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Title: "The Stolen Super-Powers"
Pages: 11
Legion of Super-Heroes (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: John Forte
Reprinted From:
Adventure Comics #304 (1963)
Feature Character(s)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Cosmic Boy (last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Saturn Girl (last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Lightning Lad (lapses into a death-like coma in this story; last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Adventure Comics #312)
- Triplicate Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #308)
- Phantom Girl (last appearance in Adventure Comics #301; next appearance in Adventure Comics #310)
- Chameleon Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Colossal Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #301; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Invisible Kid (last appearance in Superman #156; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Brainiac 5 (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Shrinking Violet (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Sun Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Bouncing Boy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Ultra Boy (last appearance in Superboy #101; next appearance in Adventure Comics #309)
- Supergirl (last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #39)
- Superboy (last appearance in Adventure Comics #304; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Matter-Eater Lad (last appearance in Adventure Comics #303; next appearance in Adventure Comics #317)
- Mon-El (last appearance in Adventure Comics #300; next appearance in Adventure Comics #305)
- Zaryan the Conqueror and his robot henchmen (invaders from planet Brokk; no further appearances)
Guest Appearance(s)
- Lori Lemaris (last appearance in Action Comics #298; next appearance in Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #42)
Other Character(s)
- Commander Loring of the World-Wide Police (no further appearances)
- Various citizens of 30th century Metropolis (no further appearances)
- The Trylop Council of Mernl (no appearance)
Saturn Girl is elected leader in this story.
The Science Police are referred to as the World-Wide Police in this story.
Following this story, Chameleon Boy helps Superboy protect his secret identity in the first story of Adventure Comics #305.
The first to arrive at the clubhouse for the election meeting, Saturn Girl sees the arrival of a crystal containing a mysterious message, which she reads and destroys. Later, she uses her mental powers to force each and every Legionnaire to vote for her, and then orders them to wear special medallions.
Saturn Girl then "tests" each Legionnaire, and suspends those who fail, which they all do in the face of their new leader’s ridiculously harsh standards. Unknown to them, the special medallions enable her to duplicate their powers, and when the evil Zaryan the Conqueror attempts to attack Earth, she is the only one left to stop him. However, Lightning Lad ignores his suspension and follows her. He destroys Zaryan’s ship, but is struck by the villain’s freeze-ray at the same instant.
Saturn Girl brings the dying hero back to Earth, where he explains that Mon-El, watching from the Phantom Zone, had read the note she had received – one sent by aliens, whose computers had predicted that a Legionnaire would die in combat with Zaryan. She had then schemed to become the only one to face him, and thus sacrifice her life for her teammates. She would have succeeded, had not Mon-El telepathically revealed her plan to Lightning Lad.
Unable to join Mon-El in the Zone because of sunspot activity, Lightning Lad dies.
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They are used here for educational purposes within the "fair use" provision of US Code: Title 17, Sec. 107.
Remaining material © 1997-2025 Mike's Amazing World of Comics