Mystery in Space #30

Title: "The Robinson Crusoe of Space"
Pages: 6
Space Cabbie
Writer: Otto Binder
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Bernard Sachs
Reprinted In:
Pulp Fiction Library:Mystery in Space TPB (1999)
Feature Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Gabby (a talking alien parrot; no further appearances)
- An unnamed taxi passenger and a prospector (no further appearances)
On his way to pick up a passenger on Titan, Space Cabbie speeds through the gap between Saturn's rings. As a result he and his cab are turned radioactive and banned from landing on any civilized worlds. Space Cabbie is forced into exile on a backwater planet with human life.
Space Cabbie soon adapts to his new life in the wild. He meets an alien parrot, names it Gabby, and teaches it to speak. Space Cabbie then realizes that the radiation he carries should kill Gabby too, but it does not. He searches for the reason for which his radiation poisoning has been neutralized and discovers that Gabby is responsible.
Space Cabbie is then able to return from exile. He keeps Gabby nearby in order to continue neutralizing the radiation. Eventually the radiation will be gone permanently. Gabby also serves as Space Cabbie's new meter since he is able to calculate distance and cost accurately.
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