Mister Miracle by Jack Kirby TPB
Title: "Murder Missile Trap"
Pages: 22
Mister Miracle (of Earth-1)
Writer/Penciller: Jack Kirby
Inker: Vince Colletta
Letterer: John Costanza
Reprinted From:
Mister Miracle #1 (1971)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Oberon (first appearance; next appearance in Mister Miracle #2)
- Thaddeus Brown (the original Mister Miracle; dies in this story; no further appearances)
Scott Free becomes Mister Miracle in this story following the death of Thaddeus Brown.
Scott uses a mother box in this story.
Aging escape artist Thaddeus Brown and Oberon, his dwarf assistant meet Scott Free while rehearsing a performance. Scott takes an interest in Brown's performance as the colorful Mister Miracle. When crooks from Inter-Gang threaten Brown, Scott intervenes. Later, an Inter-Gang leader Steel Hand has Brown assassinated.
Scott dons Brown's Mister Miracle suit and confronts Steel Hand. He accepts a challenge to escape a trap in which he is chained to a missile headed into space. Scott escapes uses special technology. He then has Steel Hand arrested for murder.
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