Pulp Fiction Library:Mystery in Space TPB

Title: "The Weapon That Swallowed Men"
Pages: 9
Adam Strange (of Earth-1)
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted From:
Mystery in Space #63 (1960)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
Other Character(s)
- Numerous Ranagaran soldiers (no further appearances)
Rann is invaded by alien conquerors using a device called the vacuumizer which changes the Ranagarans into a gas vapor. Adam Strange is altered by the weapon, but returns to Earth intact when the Zeta Beam wears off. When he returns Adam finds that the people have been restored but the aliens have uses the weapons to steal the city of Ranagar itself.
Adam believes that the vacuumizer can only transmute one substance at a time, so he divises a plan to stop the aliens. As Adam and several Ranagaran soldiers approach the invaders, the vacuumizer is used against them, but they have coated themselves with different liquid metals. The vacuumizer must be adjusted to deal with each layer of metal. The delay gives the defenders enough time to catch the aliens and defeat them hand-to-hand. With the vacuumizers in the hands of the Ranagarans, Ranagar is restored, and the aliens leave Rann.
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