Title: "What Happened on Sirius-4?"
Pages: 8
Star Rovers
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Sid Greene
Reprinted From:
Mystery in Space #69 (1961)
Feature Character(s)
- The Sorn (an war-like alien race; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The people of Kalmoral (no further appearances)
The name Star Rovers is not officially used by the adventurers in this story.
After receiving a distress call, three adventurers, who would later be known as the Star Rovers, travel to the planet Kalmoral in the Sirius system to learn what happened to the people. Rick Purvis believes that the people and their cities were destroyed long ago by alien invaders. Karel Sorensen discovers a strange ramp, which she believes helped the population teleport to safety. Homer Glint finds an underground chamber with the missing population sleeping in suspended animation. He believes they placed themselves into comas to avoid the harmful effects of a magnetic force endangering their world.
While comparing stories, an alien ship attacks, then is strangely disintegrated. A man appears and explains the true story of Kalmoral. An alien race, known as the Sorn, attacked their world. To fight their enemies, the ramp was constructed and powered by the concentrated minds of its sleeping people. The distress call was a lure to get the Sorn to attack, so the people of Kalmoral could use the weapon against their enemies.
Having been proven wrong, the adventurers return home, agreeing to keep the secret of the sleeping world until it is safe from the Sorn.