Strange Adventures #223
Strange Adventures #223
Cover Credits
Artist: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "War in Washington"
Pages: 9

Atomic Knights

Writer: John Broome
Artist: Murphy Anderson

Reprinted From:
Strange Adventures #135 (1961)

Feature Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Dalas (a reformed Atlantide soldier; named in this story; last appearance in Strange Adventures #132; no further appearances)

Douglas does not appear in this story.

The Atlanteans are now called Atlantides.

Wayne and Hollis Hobard are captured by the Atlantides. Gardner and Bryndon mount a rescue mission with the help of Dalas, a reformed Atlantide prisoner. Dalas leads them to Washington where the Khagan and the Atlantides have established a base of operations.

Gardner and Bryndon stop a plot by the Atlantides to let in ultraviolet radiation over Durvale. Dalas located the Hobards and frees them. The remaining Atlantides escape with the Khagan vowing to conquer Earth.

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