Hawkman TPB
Hawkman TPB
Cover Credits
Artist: Joe Kubert

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Title: "The Menace of the Dragonfly Raiders"
Pages: 25

Hawkman (of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Joe Kubert

Reprinted From:
Brave and the Bold #42 (1962)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Byth (last appearance in Brave and the Bold #34; next appearance in Showcase #103)
  • Jarl (Byth’s cellmate and confederate; next appearance in Showcase #103)
  • Two other unnamed thieves of planet Thanagar (no further appearances)
  • The Dragonfly Raiders (four androids created by Byth; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

Flashback Appearance(s)

Cameo Appearance(s)

Hawkman and Hawkgirl appear in a flashback in this story, which occurs in between the flashback in Brave and the Bold #43 and Brave and the Bold #34. This is Hawkgirl’s chronological earliest appearance.

Hawkman is awarded his "honor wings" at the conclusion of this story.

Hawkman and Hawkgirl’s boots are again modified in this story.

Thanagar is mistakenly referred to as "Ranagar" once in this story.

Homesick, Katar and Shayera return to Thanagar, and report to their Chief of Police Andar Pul, who sends them on vacation. First, they are debriefed of Earth’s police methods.

When they return to active duty, they encounter thieves, tiny green men riding giant dragonflies, and capture these riders using Terran crime-fighting techniques. However, the dragonflies complete the robbery on their own, and Katar suspects that his old foe Byth is at the bottom of this theft. They find him gone from prison, and learn that the raiders are androids.

Byth had arranged for his formula to alter his being to be smuggled into prison on the adhesive of envelopes, and escaped as a Vandalusian driller mole. To clear their minds, Hawkman and Hawkgirl visit the Veil of Valmoora, site of their first meeting. There, rookie policewoman Shayera Thal had saved veteran Katar Hol’s life in the capture of the Rainbow Robbers. This causes her to think of her marriage earrings, and she devises a plan to bring Byth into the open, using a gem tree adorned with planted jewels. The villain successfully makes off with the jewels, putting the guards into a trance, but Hawkman follows his radioactive trail. The couple tracks down the gang, and overcomes them all, even though Byth changes into a mirage bird and attempts, unsuccessfully, to escape.

Byth and his accomplices are all incarcerated, this time without visitation or mail privileges. Krandor Vat, High Mor of Thanagar, honors Hawkman’s accomplishments by awarding the first pair of Honor Wings, which are permanently fixed to his cowl.

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