Green Lantern #57
Green Lantern #57
Cover Credits
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Sid Greene

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Title: "The Catastrophic Weapons of Major Disaster"
Pages: 23

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Gil Kane

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents Green Lantern Vol. 3 TPB (2008)
Green Lantern Archives Vol. 7 HC (2012)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Jonas Parnell and several insurance policy holders (no further appearances)
  • Miss Hedricks (Hal Jordan's assistant; no further appearances)

Hal Jordan is sent to High City as an insurance salesman. After selling a new policy to one gentleman, the man seems to be protected by an unseen force. The series of events repeat themselves for other policy buyers, making Hal a popular salesmen.

Crooks learn about the success attempt to take out insurance policies to protect them during crimes. The first crook fails because he worded his policy poorly. However, his partner Eddie Thayer is able to steal valuable coins and is protected by the policy. Green Lantern's power ring is unable to stop Thayer, who is protected by the same unseen force.

Major Disaster eventually reveals himself as the man behind the events. He survived his last encounter with GL and the Flash with the aid of an anti-disaster device. This same device is protecting the policy holders as part of a game which he is playing with GL. Green Lantern finds himself unable to stop Major Disaster because every object including his own costume has been coated with disaster radiation.

GL finally overcomes his enemy by using an unseen object, his power battery which has not been coated by radiation. The Emerald Gladiator strikes Major Disaster with the battery, knocking him out. Once his opponent is unconscious and no longer able to assert his will, GL is able to neutralize the disaster radiation.

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