Flash Comics #79
Flash Comics #79
Cover Credits
Artist: Jon Chester Kozlak

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Title: "The Revolt of the Birds"
Pages: 9

Hawkman (of Earth-2)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Jon Chester Kozlak

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • A conjuror (appears in flashback; no further appearances)
  • Various birds and hunters (no further appearances)

Centuries ago a conjuror created the jewel of Shalarr which absorbed the good or evil from whomever wore the jewel. After centuries in the possession of evil men, the jewel is found by a bird and taken to its nest. The evil from the jewel begins to influence the birds in the area causing them to attack humans. Hawkman and Hawkgirl try to intervene to prevent a war between man and bird. When Hawkman himself approaches the jewel, he too is overcome with evil feelings. Hawkgirl manages to soothe him. Together they realize that the jewel is evil, so Hawkman drops it into the depths of the ocean.

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