Strange Adventures #41
Title: "The Beast from Out of Time"
Pages: 8
Captain Comet (of Earth-1)
Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Murphy Anderson
Inker: Joe Giella
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- A tyrannosaurus (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Jeris Bartlett and Linda (a nuclear physicist and his daughter; no further appearances)
- Several inhabitants of future Earth (no further appearances)
Linda Bartlett appeals to Captain Comet for help when her father disappears after having constructed a time machine. Captain Comet builds his own time machine to find Jeris Bartlett. On their first trip, Comet and Linda travel back to the age of dinosaurs by mistake. Captain Comet then reverses the controls, and they arrive in the far future.
The time travellers are met by a future man who explains that Jeris Bartlett was actually born in the future. A disaster had struck Earth, so they sent him back in time for protection until the disaster was over. Bartlett retained no memory of his own past, and eventually had his daughter Linda. Now Bartlett has returned to his own time to help rebuild the Earth. Linda elects to stay with her father, but Captain Comet returns to the 20th century.
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