Cover Credits |
Artist: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez |
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Comic Title: Deadman Vol. 5 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2014
On Sale Date:
April 23, 2014 Direct Market Date April 23, 2014
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Direct Market Date April 23, 2014
Source: Previews, #304
Cover Price: $16.99
Page Count: 176
Editor: Scott Nybakken
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
<< | Story List |
Title: "Death Like a Crown"
Pages: 16
Deadman (Post-Crisis)
Writer: Andrew Helfer
Penciller: Kevin Maguire
Inker: Dick Giordano
Letterer: Bob Lappan
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Reprinted From:
Secret Origins #15 (1987)
Feature Character(s)
- Deadman (first post-Crisis appearance; last appearance in Deadman:Love After Death #2; next appearance in Millennium #8)
Supporting Character(s)
- Vashnu (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Lorna Hill (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Rama Kushna (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Tiny (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Sensei (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- League of Assassins (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Hook (aka Matson; first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Jonah (a spirit inhabiting the Sensei; no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- Taj-Ze (guardian of Nanda Parbat; first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Lotus (first post-Crisis appearance; no further appearances)
- Maxwell Loomis (no further appearances)
- Kane (a candidate for President; no further appearances)
Rama Kushna confronts a spirit named Jonah who has possessed the Sensei and created the League of Assassins. Since she is unable to stop the spirit directly she summons Vashnu and Maxwell Loomis from Nanda Parbat. She then orders them to the Hills Brothers Circus where they meet Boston Brand.
Vashnu takes a job as a fortune teller, while Loomis helps promote the circus including staging a stunt with Brand to earn the attention of a presidential candidate. The candidate is the target of the Hook, an agent of the League of Assassins. Vashnu disguises himself as the Sensei to change Hook's orders. The new target is Brand, whom Hook shoots at the circus. Rama then meets with Brand and plans to use his spirit to stop Jonah.
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