Flash #146
Flash #146
Cover Credits
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "The Mirror Master's Master Stroke"
Pages: 13

Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)

Writer: John Broome
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Giella

Reprinted In:
Showcase Presents:The Flash Vol. 3 TPB (2009)
Flash Archives Vol. 6 HC (2012)
Flash:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2017)
Flash:The Silver Age Vol. 3 TPB (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


Other Character(s)

  • Professor Dobill and his class (no further appearances)

After defeating the Flash by using a mirror to switch his own legs for the super-speed legs of his foe, Mirror Master attends the final class in a success course. The crook decides to brag to the class about his exploits, but first he hypnotizes them. When he is finished with his tale, he removes the rest of the class from their trance.

Barry Allen is also attending the class and notices that an hour is unaccounted for. When he notices that the Mirror Master's cigarettes are in the front of the room, he examines his classmate closely. Close inspection reveals the student to be the Mirror Master in disguise. Barry then rehypnotizes the class and defeats his foe at super-speed.

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