House of Secrets #71
Title: "The Giant Who Once Ruled Earth"
Pages: 13
Mark Merlin (of Earth-1)
Writer: Jack Miller
Artist: Mort Meskin
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Cathcart and a robot giant (no further appearances)
- A giant (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- T.T. Baxter and Wally Lake (a millionaire and a movie director; no further appearances)
Mark Marlin visits millionaire T.T. Baxter who has shipped an entire ancient temple from Asia Minor. There is a legend surrounding the artifacts of a giant who demands tribute. When the giant appears, Baxter offers to pay tribute, but Mark exposes the giant as a robot created by Baxter's assistant, Cathcart.
After Cathcart and the robot are exposed, a real giant appears and teleports Mark to Asia Minor. Mark finds an ancient hieroglyph revealing a method of defeating the giant. He uses a dangerous potion to split himself into two men and return to his original location. Mark then defeats the giant. Frightened by the legend, Baxter plans to return the stones to their original location.
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