Superboy #49
Superboy #49
Cover Credits
Penciller: Curt Swan
Inker: Stan Kaye

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Title: "Metallo of Krypton"
Pages: 8

Superboy (of Earth-1)

Writer: Jerry Coleman
Artist: John Sikela

Feature Character(s)

Other Character(s)

  • Metallo (a Kryptonian robot; no further appearances)
  • Two unnamed astronomers (no further appearances)

This story is recycled in the first story of Adventure Comics #276.

While in outer space after handling an emergency, Superboy becomes trapped on an asteroid. A Kryptonite cloud surrounds the asteroid and prevents him from escaping. He soon discovers another inhabitant of the asteroid, a robot named Metallo. Superboy learns that Metallo was created on Krypton. Metallo serves Superboy and helps him build a lead shelter. Then while Superboy is asleep, Metallo sacrifices himself to construct a rocket for Superboy which can propel him past the Kryptonite cloud barrier. Superboy is able to return to Earth where he constructs of memorial to his fallen robot friend.

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