Green Lantern #32
Green Lantern #32
Cover Credits
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Murphy Anderson

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Title: "Green Lantern's Wedding Day"
Pages: 12

Green Lantern (Hal Jordan of Earth-1)

Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Penciller: Gil Kane
Inker: Sid Greene

Reprinted In:
Green Lantern Archives Vol. 5 HC (2005)
Showcase Presents Green Lantern Vol. 2 TPB (2007)
Green Lantern Omnibus Vol. 2 HC (2012)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1 HC (2017)
Green Lantern:The Silver Age Vol. 3 TPB (2018)

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Louie Knox and his gang (no further appearances)
  • Louie Knox of an unnamed parallel Earth and his gang (no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Green Lantern, Carol Ferris, Tom and Terga Kalmaku, and Mayor Ralph Walters of an unnamed parallel Earth (no further appearances)

Hal Jordan attends a science fair with Carol Ferris. She confesses her love for him rather than Green Lantern, so he proposes. While kissing Carol at their wedding, Hal suddenly finds himself in a hangar with Pieface. Pieface tells Hal that he must have imagined the wedding, but Hal insists that it was real.

Hal investigates by starting at a laboratory where he recently battled the mob of Louie Knox. He discovers that he was exposed to a yellow Espian radiation which transported him to a parallel Earth. The remaining radiation still in his body causes him to once again switch universes.

Upon his arrival, he orders the power ring not to merge his body with that of the other Green Lantern. He then meets his counterpart and the Carol Ferris of the parallel Earth. Working together, the two Green Lanterns create a barrier to keep Hal in the correct universe. When he arrives back on his own Earth, he finds that his Carol still loves Green Lantern and not Hal Jordan.

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