Title: "The Treachery of Fiendo"
Pages: 12
Wonder Woman (of Earth-2)
Writer: Joyce Murchison
Artist: Harry G. Peter
Reprinted From:
Sensation Comics #54 (1946)
Feature Character(s)
Supporting Character(s)
- Dr. Fiendo (a criminal scientist; no further appearances)
- Fiendo's hired gangsters (no further appearances)
Other Character(s)
- The president and members of his cabinet (no further appearances)
- Betsy (a young child; no further appearances)
Dr. Fiendo, inventor of an atom-splitter, demonstrates his new weapon for the military. When Wonder Woman sees an explosion occur before Fiendo ray strikes the target area, she believes the machine is a hoax. Without proof, Wonder Woman's claims are dismissed, and Fiendo's invention is a success.
Fiendo demands that the government create a new office for him as Premier of Peace. Fiendo then uses his new position and his atom-splitter to take over the government. He imprisons the president and puts his own gangsters in charge of the court system.
Wonder Woman initially submits to the law, but when it is obvious that Fiendo's authorities are dishonest, she fights back. Fiendo stops her with a powerful magnet, then plans to execute Steve Trevor. Wonder Woman escapes, rescues Steve, defeats Fiendo, and ensures that the rightful government is restored.