Legends of the Dark Knight:Alan Davis HC
Legends of the Dark Knight:Alan Davis HC
Cover Credits
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Paul Neary

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Title: "Catch as Catscan"
Pages: 22

Batman (Post-Crisis)

Writer: Mike W. Barr
Penciller: Alan Davis
Inker: Paul Neary
Letterer: John E. Workman, Jr.
Colorist: Adrienne Roy

Reprinted From:
Detective Comics #569 (1986)

Feature Character(s)

Guest Star(s)

Supporting Character(s)


This story continues in Detective Comics #670.

Catwoman knows Batman's secret identity in this story.

Batman and Robin interrupt a robbery by members of Catwoman's old gang. Catwoman helps to capture the final crook and was responsible for tipping off Batman to the crime. When the Joker learns that Catwoman is helping the Dynamic Duo, he sets a trap to capture her. While Batman and Robin are fighting his gang, the Joker takes Catwoman prisoner. He then takes her to his hide-out. With the assistance of Dr. Moon, the Joker tries to turn Catwoman back into a criminal.

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