Cover Credits |
Penciller: Carmine Infantino Inker: Joe Giella |
Comic List |
Comic Title: Showcase Presents:Showcase Vol. 1 TPB
Publisher: DC
Cover Date: 2012
On Sale Date:
July 4, 2012 Direct Market Date July 4, 2012
Source: ComicList, New Comic Book Releases List for Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Direct Market Date June 20, 2012
Source: Previews, #282
Cover Price: $19.99
Page Count: 544
See Also: The Guide to Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
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Title: "Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt"
Pages: 12
Flash (Barry Allen of Earth-1)
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Joe Kubert
Reprinted From:
Showcase #4 (1956)
Feature Character(s)
- Flash (Barry Allen, police scientist; origin and first appearance; last appearance in Flash #195; next appearance in Showcase #4)
Supporting Character(s)
- Iris West (first appearance; last appearance in Flash #203; next appearance in Showcase #8)
- Turtle Man (first appearance; next appearance in Flash #220)
Other Character(s)
- Two unnamed army officers, a waitress, and a police officer (no further appearances)
This story features the first appearance and origin of the Flash, Barry Allen. He possesses knowledge of the previous Flash, Jay Garrick, from reading the comic books in which Garrick appeared. Barry is shown reading Flash Comics #13 in this story. (As revealed in Flash #123, Garrick exists in a parallel dimension which is designated Earth-2; Barry’s dimension is desginated Earth-1.) Inspired by his comic book hero, Allen also assumes the name, Flash.
The origin of the Flash may or may not have been manipulated by Mopee, as shown in Flash #167. Whether that story is canonical or not is debatable.
The second story of Flash #128 takes place between panels 3 and 4 on page 7 of this story.
Police scientist, Barry Allen is working in his lab during an electrical storm. A lightning bolt smashes through the lab windown and crashes into a rack of chemicals. Certain containers are broken open, and Allen, who was knocked over by the bolt, is bathed in the chemical mixture. After partially recovering from the experience, Barry travels home and quickly discovers that he is able to move at incredible speeds.
The next morning, Barry brushes off the strange experience as mostly delusional. When he arrives for his date with Iris West, he discovers otherwise. His amazing speed enables him to protect Iris from a stray bullet fired by the Turtle Man, a criminal who is known as "the slowest man on Earth".
Returning to the lab Barry realizes he has been transformed by the chemical bath into a super-speedster, like his comic book hero, the Flash. Barry follows the example set by his hero to design a costume for himself. He stores it in a special ring which shrinks the costume for storage and enlarges it when needed.
Alerted by a burgler alarm from the local bank, Barry races off to thwart the culprit, as the Flash. The robber is the Turtle Man who escapes through the sewers to a nearby boat. The Flash follows the boat by running across the water, but his own speed pushes the boat further ahead. Instead he circles the boat and captures the criminal. After delivering the crook to the police, he is interviewed by the newspaper. He officially adopts the name, the Flash.
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