Superboy #28
Superboy #28
Cover Credits
Artist: J. Winslow Mortimer

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Title: "The Luckiest Boy in the World"
Pages: 10

Superboy (of Earth-1)

Penciller: John Sikela
Inker: Ed Dobrotka

Feature Character(s)

Supporting Character(s)


  • Willis Snecker and his partner (businessmen; no further appearances)

Other Character(s)

  • Earl Ellman (a daredevil; no further appearances)
  • Several unnamed reporters (no further appearances)
  • The mayor of Smallville (no further appearances)
  • John Wilders, Irma Jennings, and Mr. Wilson (no further appearances)

When a magazine article publicizes the amazing luck of Clark Kent, many people want to cash in. Clark tries to convince them that he is not lucky at all. However he can't explain to them that his narrow escapes are the result of being Superboy.

Businessman Willis Snecker tricks Clark into signing a contract that allows him to sell lucky tokens with Clark's name on them. Clark pretends to go along with the scheme, then acts like a jinx in front of reporters. Clark's lucky reputation is ruined, as i Snecker's scheme.

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